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FMoH Convenes the 15th Annual Review Meeting, Mekele

The 15th Annual Review Meeting (ARM) was convened from October 09 to 11, 2013 in Mekele the Tigray Regional State. As the part of this year's ARM, field visits were made to selected districts of the region where visitors witnessed the unbeaten health service delivery practices carried out by the Health Extension Workers (HEW) at the grassroots community level.

Organized by the FMoH, the Annual Review Meeting was officially launched with the opening speech addressed by H. E Ato Abay Woldu, president of the Tigray Regional State and H.E Dr Keseteberhan Admassu, Minister of Health of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

On the occasion, awards of recognition were given to individuals who made outstanding contributions to the health sector development of the nation at the various state apparatuses.


Text Book of Reproductive and Child Health Published

Text Book of Reproductive and Child Health with Focus on Ethiopia and other Developing Countries was launched on the occasion of the International Family conference convened in the African Union on 13, 2013, in the presence of authors, reviewers, delegates representing School of Public Health Addis Ababa University, Gates Institute, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University and the Ethiopian Public Health Association and other invited guests.

The preparation of the book was primarily motivated by the lack of a comprehensive reference material for the training of graduate public health students in reproductive health /maternal and child health (RH/MCH) in Ethiopia.RH

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